Building Resilience in Education Systems with Open and Flexible learning

Construindo resiliência em sistemas educacionais com aprendizagem aberta e flexível



Flexible learning; Resilience in Education; Systems with Open.


In a recent publication “The Handover: How we give control of our lives to corporations, states and AI” recently published by Profile Books Ltd., London, David Runciman suggests that there are some things that pose an existential threat to the human species. They are: nuclear war, climate change, biological warfare or disaster and artificial intelligence. The question is what are we doing about it – as a society? How prepared are we for any transition or transformation of existing architectures and choreographies? In this article, we direct our attention to one region of the globe – the Southwest Pacific region, where the authors are currently located, and we focus our attention on the area of ​​Education, in which we claim to have some knowledge and experience. This requires viewing educational provision through a new set of lenses.

Key-words: Flexible learning; Resilience in Education; Systems with Open. 



Numa publicação recente “The Handover: How we give control of our lives to corporations, states and AI” publicada recentemente pela Profile Books Ltd., Londres, David Runciman sugere que existem algumas coisas que representam uma ameaça existencial para a espécie humana. São eles: guerra nuclear, alterações climáticas, guerra biológica ou desastre e inteligência artificial. A questão é o que estamos fazendo a respeito – como sociedade? Quão preparados estamos para qualquer transição ou transformação das arquiteturas e coreografias existentes? Neste artigo, dirigimos a nossa atenção para uma região do globo – a região do Sudoeste do Pacífico, onde os autores estão actualmente localizados, e centramos a nossa atenção na área da Educação, na qual afirmamos ter algum conhecimento e experiência. Isto exige ver a oferta educativa sob um novo conjunto de lentes.

Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem flexível; Resiliência na Educação; Sistemas abertos.



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Biografia do Autor

Som Naidu, Technology, Education and Design Associates

(PhD, D. Litt., PFHEA) Principal Associate (Technology, Education and Design Associates), Executive Editor “Distance Education”. Currently serving as Pro-Vice Chancellor Flexible Learning and Director, Center for Flexible Learning, at the University of the South Pacific, I have spent most of my professional life in the higher education sector in a variety of roles to do with enhancing learning and teaching practices in distance education, online learning and e-learning, as well as in education more generally, and in various jurisdictions and geographical locations around the world.  E-mail:  


Dhiraj Bhartu, College of Micronesia-Federated States of Micronesia

College of Micronesia-Federated States of Micronesia. Accomplished Systems and Infrastructure individual with a proven track record in the education and education technology sector. Proficient in IT operations management, project management, generative AI, learning analytics, problem-solving, Linux and Windows systems implementation and administration. Experienced in overseeing the implementation and management of Learning Management Systems, Student Management systems and Human Resource management systems. I possess a robust background in innovative thinking teamwork, collaboration, and leadership management, coupled with a Master’s degree in Computer and Information Systems.

E-mail:   ORCID iD:


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Como Citar

NAIDU, S.; BHARTU, D. Building Resilience in Education Systems with Open and Flexible learning: Construindo resiliência em sistemas educacionais com aprendizagem aberta e flexível. Revista Cocar, [S. l.], n. 26, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 set. 2024.